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Get the solution that fits your organizations needs.
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10 EUR/30 days8 EUR/30 days
Billed annually (96 EUR)
Unlimited Search
Quality Assurance
Easy To Go Order Template
Job Posting Option
Advanced Segmentation Tool
Influencer Last Seen Indicator
Order Management
Influencer Contract
Campaign Statistics
Team Management Dashboard
On Demand Agency Service
Most popular
100 EUR/30 days80 EUR/30 days
Billed annually (960 EUR)
Unlimited Search
Quality Assurance
Easy To Go Order Template
Job Posting Option
Advanced Segmentation Tool
Influencer Last Seen Indicator
Order Management
Influencer Contract
Campaign Statistics
Team Management Dashboard
On Demand Agency Service
Most popular
Contact us
Unlimited Search
Quality Assurance
Easy To Go Order Template
Job Posting Option
Advanced Segmentation Tool
Influencer Last Seen Indicator
Order Management
Influencer Contract
Campaign Statistics
Team Management Dashboard
On Demand Agency Service
Subscription elaboration:
A period for 'Standard' and 'Pro' subscription regards 30 days. The subscription will auto-renewed until you cancel your subscription.
By any payment you will get an email with a link to your invoice which can be used for your bookkeeping.
At any time you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription by logging in a Loggershut.
Any subscription will end at the subscription period.
- You upgrade from Standard to Pro 10 days before your Standard subscription ends. You will get immediately access to the Pro features, so you do not have to wait 10 days for access to the extra features.
- You downgrade from Pro to Standard 5 days before your Pro subscription ends. Then you will still have the benefits of the Pro features for 5 days.
- You cancel right after receive of your last payment. Then you have 30 days left with access to Loggershut